Jordan & Hilary Go To the Movies

Jordan and Hilary are plowing through the AFI 100 Years... 100 Movies Lists from both 1998 and 2007. Here you will probably get our thoughts, some reviews, and maybe a bad attempt at humor. We might also let you know about some other movies we see, so stay tuned.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Watergate... Or, It Just Isn't That Interesting To Be A Reporter...

So I do enjoy history, and find the watergate story to be really interesting. Because of that, I really wanted to like All the President's Men. Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford are both quality in their roles. But seriously, did the movie need to be 2 hours and 20 minutes long? I mean, even if you try and throw in a little suspense, we still know what happens at the end. Woodward and Bernstein both become famous writers, and Nixon resigns. Also, the ship sinks, sorry about that one. So it certainly had its moments, but otherwise, definitely drawn out.

On the other hand, we also saw Be Kind Rewind tonight. Mos Def really has some acting skills, and I would like to see him tackling some meatier roles. Jack Black was funny and Danny Glover fit. Michel Gondry's style is very palpable in the comedic meat of this movie, but he really focuses on the story the second half. I definitely enjoyed this one and would certainly recommend it. There was some comic gold, including a couple of jokes that creep up on you. The re-filmed movies, some of which you can catch online were excellent, and if you don't mind seeing them again in the realm of the movie, go look for em on you tube.

Three movies in a day is much harder than it truly seems. I am going to bed.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Apparently We Have A Blog

Starting off really quickly, most of the things Hilary has said are true. We are doing the AFI 100 (both versions, minus ones that both of us have seen). So far we did American Graffiti and It Happened One Night. American Graffiti is a classic and also brought George Lucas and Harrison Ford together for the parts that we all know him and love him in. In the meantime the movie is solid, you can definitely see where movies like Dazed and Confused follow the exact same story path. At this rate, we are probably going to get the movie we are all truly waiting for, one about the end of high school in the 90's in about 12 more years.

In It Happened One Night we get a classic story with one of the all time greats, Clark Gable. It was in black and white (as movies from the 30's were) but that didn't mean there weren't still some classic moments. Notably: the gay sailor and the black guy working in the kitchen. Apparently cussing is Gable calling the female lead a Brat, but racist and homosexual stereotypes fly as far as the eye can see.

Quality on the first two. Now onto All the President's Men. Hilary is pretty sure it has something to do with Deep Throat, she approves.


So, we have finally started our stupid blog for our movie viewings. Jordan and I recently decided to watch the entire AFI top 100 movies. Since we liked the lists from 98 and 07 we decided to do both lists. We are going to plow through them in the next 2 and a half years while the two of us are still in school.

The first movie we watched from our list was American Graffiti. It's #77 on the 1998 list. So I was excited to watch this movie because I had just recently met Richard Dreyfuss, who turned out to be such a creep! I thought he was super cute in the movie but as a whole, it lost my interest very fast. (Jordan just handed me a Dorito with a piece of American cheese on top, it was nasty.) I thought that Harrison Ford was great, he should of had a bigger role in the movie, he just drove by in his car and acted like a sleeze. I have to admit I was a little disappointed that my AFI top 100 viewing started out so rough. BUT, it has definitely gotten better based on the movie we just watched.

It Happened One Night is #35 on the 98 list. It was wonderful. I recommend it for all audiences, it was romantic and absolutely hilarious! Clark Gable was not too hard to look at either. He acts like such an ass but for some reason he's just so charming! I give it a 1 in colorfulness, but it's an overall 10.

<3 Hilary