Jordan & Hilary Go To the Movies

Jordan and Hilary are plowing through the AFI 100 Years... 100 Movies Lists from both 1998 and 2007. Here you will probably get our thoughts, some reviews, and maybe a bad attempt at humor. We might also let you know about some other movies we see, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

John Travolta + Uma Thurman = Overdose

So I've seen Pulp Fiction like a thousand times but never the whole thing through. I finally just sat down with my roommate and watched the whole thing. It really is one of the best movies ever made. It has the best cast, the most disturbing scenes of any movie, and just such a funny plot. It's absolutely insane, jumps from one crazy thing to the next but it still all ties together some how. Basically, I love it.
